Dave Taylor Reviews


So what do people think of Dave's Music?

See for yourself!

This review  is from Sunnyvale Trailer Park's  "Jim Lahey"

I'm not positive if this is a good review or not.  I'll let you guys decide!



 This one from The UK's Rockin' Dave Taylor             

"From one Dave Taylor to another: Good music, 

professionally produced,- and good tunes too!!"


This, from Actor John Dunsworth 

"soul soothing rapture in sadness
doleful durge-like quality.

...let me think, just wait ..."


And This From Canadian Songwriter, and performer 

Craig Northey (odd's, The New Odd's)                        

"Dave Taylor has a big heart. He has a fast car and a big heart. 

His heart is like the engine of his muscle car. 

That is what you want out of a singer and a songwriter. When
you listen to "Time Marches On" you don't hear any posturing you just hear Dave
singing about things he knows.  Its funny and warm in all the right places. Its real all

If Lahey says, "It's like a shit wind blowing across a case of empties" I would
also pose that someone had to drink those beer and that person has a smile on their face."



Review of the "Uncovered" show as printed in the Carstairs Courier March 20/06 



Cover art previews, some will look familiar if you have seen the new disc







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Last modified: February 06, 2009