Dave Taylor Musician

August 10, 08 Mountainview Music Festival

I was up on Sunday at 3pm.  It was a great time, with Barney Bentall headlining on Saturday.  It was good to see His Son Dustin again.  Great player and fun to hang out with.


The Polyjesters were gracious enough to back me up for the set. 

Here's a couple of pics...



March 29, 08 "Polyjesters Calgary CD release"

Westgate Community hall was a great spot for the party!  I was remembering all the times I had been intoxicated in that hall as a youth.




January 14, 08  with Randy and Mr. Lahey

It was fun!  Hurricane corner was a great venue.  Randy and Mr Lahey, great guys.  Very down to earth,

There are pics on the photo gallery page  click here



November 29, 07 "Prairie Brim Bistro" Crossfield

Fun for all at a rare evening opening of the Bistro.

A great spot for all your lunch needs, and was even better for a night of Pasta and music!.

The room is small and intimate, so it was easy to have a fun evening with the crowd.



November 2, 07 "Joey's only" in Airdrie

Joeys only fish and chips in Airdrie was the site for a fun night of food and accoustic music.

Some old friends showed up, which made it quite entertaining.  The management seemed pleasantly  surprised By the content of the show.  Always a good thing when that happens.

We ate, drank, and were merry.  Hopefully, we'll see you at the next show! 


"Uncovered"  An evening of Original music  

It was a fun night for all.  March 10 / 07 at the Carstairs Half Century club.


An intimate affair, with an unplugged feel.  Candle light, in a welcoming  setting

Verne Luchinski in the opening set, with DaveTaylor and Will Hamm following


Thank you so much, to those who were there!

For the rest of you, hope to see you next time!


Enjoy the pictures!

Will Hamm and Dave...

Verne Luchinski         and more of Dave and Will

Will Hamm and some of his different instruments.  Most of the Instruments played by Will were ones that he made (Will custom builds musical instruments professionally)

The Music from the crowd.

The Music from the crowd....




Dave Taylor Bio...click here

CD info!...click here

Press and reviews!...click here

Dave info on CBC radio3

Back to main music page...click here


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Send mail to Find somone who cares@davesmopar.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: February 06, 2009